in aceh •  in 12 hours
Assalamu'alaikum War. WAB. Best wishes to us all.
اَلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ الَّذِيْ أَمَرَنَا بِاْلاِعْتِصَامِ بِحَبْلِ اللهِ، أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللهُ وَحْدَهُ لاَ شَرِيْكَ لَهُ وَأَشْهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَرَسُوْلُهُ لاَ نَبِيَّ بَعْدَهُ اَللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّدٍ وَعَلَى آلِهِ وَصَحْبِهِ أَمَّا بَعْدُ؛

All Praise Let same same we panjatkan the presence of God God's blessings and grace the top due to him so that we can be present on the premises in order to Student Graduation Graduation STIE Earth Persada Lhokseumawe, Blessings and best wishes greetings always gushing to the Lord of nature, the Islamic prophet Muhammad that has given guidance to his people for demanding science.
Our homage;
Dear Mrs Hj Tutiherawati
Dear Mr Bukarai
I respect, Mr. Frof Budi tjatmiko
I respect Mr Wlikiota, Lhokseumawe
I respect Mr kaporles, lhokseumawe
I respect, Mr. damdim Who I respect, Mr. kapolssek Who I respect, The Director of the foundation that I respect their lecturers, Mr. zakaria yahya and everything very respect That I respect, parents wisudawanAll Praise Let same same we panjatkan the presence of God God's blessings and grace the top due to him so that we can be present on the premises in order to Student Graduation Graduation STIE Earth Persada Lhokseumawe, Blessings and best wishes greetings always gushing to the Lord of nature, the Islamic prophet Muhammad that has given guidance to his people for demanding science.
Our homage;
Dear Mrs Hj Tutiherawati
Dear Mr Bukarai
I respect, Mr. Frof Budi tjatmiko
I respect Mr Wlikiota, Lhokseumawe
I respect Mr kaporles, lhokseumawe
I respect, Mr. damdim Who I respect, Mr. kapolssek Who I respect, The Director of the foundation that I respect their lecturers, Mr. zakaria yahya and everything very respect That I respect, parents wisudawan
As well as that I hold dear and saluti, fellow wisudawan and wisudawati certainly are happy on this day. Along with the junior us.
Bapak-Ibu and a happy audience
For us the wisudawan, today is the day we should be thankful for to ALLA and to our lecturer Lecturer who has given us the science with difficulty, because he he was the one we have been able to complete a series of learning activities on the campus of STIE Earth Persada Bumi Persada STIE Lhokseumawe, Lhokseumawe a well has been educating us. And it is an honor for us as students/wi to convey the impression of a string and the message during his studies at the Bumi Persada STIE beloved institution Lhokseumawe
Four years already, we have been struggling to sharpen myself, studied the draining material, energy and concentration for the sake of a goal that is to become an expert in the field of Economics, reliable or be superior graduates and insightful. So many memories, love, grief, bitter and sweet in the course of which we have ago at STIE Earth Persada Lhokseumawe
Father of the mother as well as attendees who are blessed ... ...
In this good opportunity, we would also like to convey my thanks and appreciation extended to the lecturers let alone our vocation is a jek pak se oarang lecturer full attention to us, that an awful lot from him We pick good economic development association organize the life in the future with the full knowledge and dignity, by the father of the Professors have been working hard to educate and guide us to become high competitive power of intelligent beings, capable of practise the science that has been obtained and is useful for the community. We could be here on this day is certainly the fruit of education results he he all that we think of as our parents on campus. We hope, friendship ties that have already been created can keep awake and will not fade erased by the time and travel time.
We also realize that for studying in these institutions there are many errors or kekhilafan that we've done, both in acting and being, said. For that, we looked at this is the best moment to apologises to all parties, especially to the lecturer and instructor teaching us so after that we of this institution no longer stand in the liver as a barrier rope friendship we along.
our message to fellow wisudawan-wisudawati we are proud of, i.e. short
  1. don't ever feel arrogant and self complacency, because there the sky is still above the ceiling. Let's continue to fill yourself in scholarship, continues to sharpen the sensitivity of taste and of course practice religious teachings in a balanced way the Prophet's Hadith: expanded feet according to se عَنْ أَنَسِ ابْنِ مَالِكِ قاَلَ قَالَ رَسُوْ لُ: اللّهِ صَلَىّ اللُّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ مَنْ خَرَجَ فِي طَلَبِ اْلعِلْمِ كَانَ فِيْ سَبِيْلِ اللّهِ حَتَّى يَرْجِعُ (رواه الترمذي)
    It means: "from Anas bin Malik said: the Messenger of Allah has said:" whoever comes out (go) to search for
  2. Time passes so quickly. It's like new kemaring us together, even though today was not willing to melepasmu and just say. Goodbye comrades do not forget me, a story we never will be over. Although the mouth wants to say goodbye ... my instructors and professors thanks for the science that you give this slama, it will not be able to accept it, our hearts
  3. Let us perform wisudawan promise we've shared crank up last with full sincerity and consciousness Because we now have become the sarja surely we are the leaders in the communities of se.
    To know God is one of the keys to success, as with knowing God human being to know and – hopefully – will always remember that despite how himself as a human endeavor, but the end result there is in the hands of God. Thus the human being is not a snob when successful because its success is the result of a mixture between his businesses sought – and the help of heaven in the form of provisions. No matter when he fails, he won't need to blame himself, for realizing that failure is not because its business is less nice, but there is a determination of any determination, i.e. God.
    Know God will make adopting human noble, because it realized that God most viewed and most watching. By knowing God, people will remember that he must constantly do yourself a favor and be benefits create another human being who is nota bene is both a servant of God. "Surely the most noble person among you but God is the most cautious" QS. Al-Baqarah
    وَآمِنُوا بِمَا أَنْزَلْتُ مُصَدِّقًا لِمَا مَعَكُمْ وَلَا تَكُونُوا أَوَّلَ كَافِرٍ بِهِ ۖ وَلَا تَشْتَرُوا بِآيَاتِي ثَمَنًا قَلِيلًا وَإِيَّايَ فَاتَّقُونِ
And berimanlah you to what has been sent down to Me (the Qur'an) that justifies what is in you (the Torah), and you shall be the first Gentile to him, and not Exchange my verses at a low price, and only to the I'm the one you need to be cautious.
QS. Al-Baqarah
وَإِذْ أَخَذْنَا مِيثَاقَكُمْ وَرَفَعْنَا فَوْقَكُمُ الطُّورَ خُذُوا مَا آتَيْنَاكُمْ بِقُوَّةٍ وَاذْكُرُوا مَا فِيهِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَتَّقُونَ
And (remember) when we took a promise from you, and We raised above you the mount (saying) upon (as We said): "Hold firmly — firmly what we give to you and remember what was in it, so that you may be cautious
Know God further make man righteous and just hope whom, not to the other. Drape his life on God, life and the whole joint entrusted his life on the instructions of God and religion.
Prophet Muhammad as the Messenger of choice sent to this world is with the mission, introduced the God most compassionate, most merciful towards mankind is he muslim or Infidel. He teaches for membaguskan good Morals, the morals of other men, morals to the environment and the most important is moral to God. With a good introduction to God, humans have tried to follow the noble character of Prophet Muhammad giving to God.
Know who is God for man means that the man has been stepping on one of the roads lead to the success of the world and the hereafter. That's what by the sufi circles called ' makrifatullah. '
Alamin Alhamdulillahirabbil ' praise be to Allah the Lord of hosts, praise be to God only, all forms of the compliment good praise for favors and gift in the form of health as well as a compliment because it favors and gift in the form of life. Anyway all forms of the compliment, both small and great praise praise.
God told us – as sentient beings – to praise him, Why we should praise him? Because if we look deeper with a clean contemplation we will find that this universe, which run regularly from day to day, month and year even seconds to minutes, walking with his system that are scient – science can well explained without hesitation.
Good questions leveled at the time brooding it is;
who has created these all?
who's running this system, which is so consistent and regular basis without the need for errors in it?
The answer;
He was the one God.
We should memujiNYAkarena it is he who has created us and nature of our environment. Everything besides him is his creation, everything other than that he is a creature, created. Mankind, Jinn, Angels, animals, plants, Sun, moon, stars and planets in the solar system, everything is a creation of God. Until now there has not been one who claims that the whole universe this is his creation. Only God who dare say that God has created the universe. If we want to meditate on it, in fact the universe that we see and experience every day, not useful for us if we are not turned on, created with equipped senses to see, hear, feel, and others. Let us imagine, what will become of the flowers are beautiful colourful without our eyes to see? What would the sound of the wind rustled the leaves hit the ditingkahi sounds of twittering birds without our ears to hear? What will become of various fruits and meat animals are delicious without our tongue to feel?
Subhanallah, the Holy of Holies of God who created man to perfection,
"Indeed we created man in the best form."
Let us contemplate the events ourselves. One example is in the saaat of our baby. Baby time we don't have anything, it is still weak. God made love on a mother and a father who is willing to take care of us struggled. Imagine the suffering incurred by our mothers when we conceived. Nine months, ten days he contain us, carry us in each of the activities. Imagine the pain and the burden of that dipikulnya. But he is willing to do that because of the nature of affection that God implanted into the heart of our mother. Holy of Holies God who has created affection with his grace.
Once adult, we begin to understand. The senses of sight and hearing we become good. We know the colorful and we hear an awful lot of noise. Then we see the workings of the eye, ear, skin, tongue and brains. A miracle, isn't it? To date, there has not been a human being who is able to create a robot that has the taste and feeling like a man. But us? We were created perfectly and it's all free from God as a form of affection to us. In the second verse is as if God was saying, "o man, praise me, because I have created you and the environment where you live.
And Our message To the younger adiku STIE Earth persada,
keep fighting and carve the achievements, a good contohlah of us and leave the negative things that younger sister view of ourselves. Develop student organization,. Any difficulties there must be a way and confidence is the key. Don't keep blaming circumstances but berbuatlah something for the sake of our common kemajuann, and for the sake of our campus progress STIE Earth persada we dreamed of. thou shalt not recoil before it reached cita-citamu, do not let you stop before the graduation procession thou hitchhiking.
Father of the mother, as well as a happy attendee invitation arrived here our impression and pasan
Akhirulkalam we thank you for the most because it has been given an opportunity and no word bilapun Word Please multiply sorry Billahi Taufik Walhidayah Assalamu'alaikum War. WAB


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