History Pliton Kariya Commandor Pliton, Yang bertanggung jawab langsung kepafa pimpinan tertinggi Dr.Muhammad Hasan Tiro
The history of the Pliton Kariya in mount geureudong pase ', and the Rebellion in Aceh (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka)

March 28, 2018 History
Mini paper is written and quoted
by Waled From some sources
Old and new in the mix into a mini paper
Conflict and Free Aceh Movement Rebellion (GAM) Aceh Conflict - After the Cold War We have seen many conflicts in the country, such as Yugolslavia, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Indonesia. Conflict that occurred in Indonesia is conflict that occurred in disaster victims, both casualties and material victims. In general, the most obvious conflict in Aceh is the difference between Aceh and many other regions in Indonesia. In addition, many secularists in the government of President Soeharto (New Order) were highly unfavorable in Aceh, where many Acehnese did not like the New Order government policy of promoting an "Indonesian culture". Then the location of the province located at the western tip of Indonesia uses a widespread assumption in the province of Aceh where distant leaders in Jakarta do not understand and pay attention to Aceh's problems and are not sympathetic to the needs and customs of different Acehnese.
Conflict or rebellion in Aceh between 1976 and 2005 was fomented by the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) to gain freedom from Indonesia. The Free Aceh Movement (GAM) is a struggle by Hasan Tiro because he is not responsible for Daoud beureu'eh's orders that have been established in Aceh since 1976. The objective of GAM is to strive for Aceh to be separated from the State Unity of the Republic of Indonesia, and continue aceh as early as it is a kingdom / a country which is also as which ever aceh alamai several thousand years back. This movement is also known as Aceh Sumatra National Liberation Front (ASNLF).
History of the Aceh-Indonesia Conflict In addition,
the tendency of the centralized system of the Soeharto government and other problems ultimately prompted the Acehnese leader Hasan di Tiro (Teungku Hasan Muhammad di Tiro) to form the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) on 4 December 1976 and proclaimed Aceh's independence on Mount Halimon. The main issues considered underlying this are the Indonesian government's culture which is considered "neo-colonial", and the growing number of transmigrants from Java to Aceh province as well as the unfair distribution of income from natural resources extracted from Aceh. Initially, the movement consisted of intellectual A ceh who felt disappointed about the development model in Aceh.
This is related to
governance under the Javanese people. This intellectual group argues
that there has been a colonialization of Java over the community and
natural wealth of Aceh land. To get support from the community, the
youth, as well as religious figures in Aceh, Hasan di Tiro then made the
idea of anti-colonialization of Java. Hasan Tiro's idea grew steadily
after the New Order government explored natural gas and petroleum
resources in North Aceh in the early 1970s. Another cause of the Free
Aceh Movement (GAM) in Aceh was reinforced by the support that came from
the Darul Islam (DI) leaders in Aceh that had not been resolved
completely in the old order. some Tuat DI / TII that subsided and
weakened to rebellion in Aceh, felt that by providing support to GAM and
some of those who joined directly, hopes later that Aceh could gain itsindependence
Possible Cause of GAM Rebellion by Some Parties Yaogi Edwart Manullang;
The Aceh conflict is the basis of the accumulation of injustice and the events that have happened to the people of Aceh. The root of the problem in Aceh is twofold: economic and socio-cultural reasons. Economic injustice in the distribution of Aceh's natural resource assets resulted in the Acehnese disappointed. Aceh is rich in natural resources, the result is more taken to Jakarta, in the management of assets that generate profitpun Aceh people are not given many opportunities. The people of Aceh are generally lacking in welfare, poverty and unemployment.
Possible Cause of GAM Rebellion by Some Parties Yaogi Edwart Manullang;
The Aceh conflict is the basis of the accumulation of injustice and the events that have happened to the people of Aceh. The root of the problem in Aceh is twofold: economic and socio-cultural reasons. Economic injustice in the distribution of Aceh's natural resource assets resulted in the Acehnese disappointed. Aceh is rich in natural resources, the result is more taken to Jakarta, in the management of assets that generate profitpun Aceh people are not given many opportunities. The people of Aceh are generally lacking in welfare, poverty and unemployment.
This economic reason is the main reason for
Acehnese protests against the central government because they feel
unfairly treated. In addition to economic reasons, Acehnese protests are
also due to socio-cultural reasons, namely, the people of Aceh want
their culture thick with the nuances of Islam more applied in life.
Hereditary Acehnese people are known to enforce sharia law strictly
since the time of the kingdom, including when the peak of glory during
the kingdom of Aceh. The existence of the cultural distinctiveness of
the Acehnese society forms a special identity that is generally
different from other regional identity in Indonesia, and collides with
national identity. The aspirations of Acehnese are not properly
addressed by the government so that all forms of protest are addressed
and considered as a barrier to development that must be eliminated.
government of the new order responded violently by military means, to
the end of Aceh as an area of military operations. This violent
resolution does not solve the problem. This is increasingly increasing
protests tangible hatred of the people of Aceh against the central
government. Plus the management of government that is too centralized.
As a result of military operations, even the people of Aceh also face it
with violence, by arming themselves. Since the enactment of the
Military Operations Area (DOM), Aceh is the most worrying area of the
central government. The GAM rebellion stopped until the late 1980s. But
it was only short lived when the Suharto Government imposed
Red-Operation Operation to quell the GAM. About 10 to 12,000 civilians
were killed in the period Thanks to this operation, GAM became popular
mainly in the countryside and in Pidie and generally along the East
GAM leader, Hasan Tiro who is descended from Teuku Syiek Muhammad Saman di Tiro, an Acehnese hero and heir of the Islamic kingdom of Aceh. Hasan Tiro claims that Aceh is not from Indonesia because Aceh was never colonized by the Dutch. The territory of Indonesia is only a former Dutch territory during colonialism. This made GAM not recognize any relationship with the Republic of Indonesia. On the other hand, the Indonesian government considers Aceh to be its territory so that GAM is an Indonesian citizen. During the New Order period, the Indonesian government considered GAM to be a citizen who disrupted the stability of national security. During democracy, the relationship between GAM and the Indonesian government changed. The Indonesian government no longer considers GAM as a disturbance to the threat of national security but as a political group entitled to speak with the government. GAM and its militia blame the Indonesian Government for creating injustice in Aceh. They considered the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) belongs to the Javanese. Political facts in the New Order era, ethnic Javanese dominate the structure of government. GAM builds hatred and hostility by exploiting ethnic sentiment. Civil society perceptions of GAM, the Government of Indonesia, TNI / POLRI are shaped by the values and principles of democracy with which they criticize GAM and the government. This behavior generally has a significant effect on the willingness of GAM and GoI to engage in the dialogue process, The peak of the conflict during the New Order was the first military operation in 1989. The military operation was decided under the TNI's pressure on the Indonesian civilian government. The TNI realized that the vacuum of military operations had been used by GAM to recruit and reorganize its movement. In turn, war broke out unavoidably. Both parties on the dassarnya use coercive action, or "contending strategy" (strategy of fighting). At the urging of civil society in 2000, the Government of Indonesia on Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) invited the Center for Humanitarian Dialogue (HDC) as a facilitator and mediator. The Government of Indonesia meets the demands of religious leaders in Aceh by granting special autonomy through Law no. 18/2001 to implement Islamic Law in Aceh.
Political change through the civil society movement in 1998 brought the democratic system and overthrew the New Order regime. This change changed the political context of the dictatorship into the sovereignty of the people. Democratic political space is created and influences the emergence of new conflict groups, issues and conflict dynamics. The reforms we are currently undertaking must be able to dismantle the structural and cultural aspects that both influence each other's lives. Writing this paper to describe the Military Operations (Operation Red Network) that occurred in Aceh and using antagonistic analysis of the conflict between Aceh-Indonesia. Thus, it is expected to provide information to the reader to examine more deeply the factors behind the conflict in Aceh so that the conflict lasted protracted and claimed many lives.
According to Edward Aspinall;
Academician from the Australian National University Edward Aspinall argues that the historical experience of Aceh during the Indonesian National Revolution led to the emergence of Aceh separatism. This is because Aceh played an important role in the revolution and the war of independen ce against the Dutch as a result allegedly aceh had obtained a promise from President Soekarno during his visit to Aceh in 1947, that Aceh would be allowed to apply Islamic law (or sharia) after the war of independence of Indonesia. The Way of Konfil / Uprising of Free Aceh Movement Initially,
GAM was a limited-proclaimed organization. The GAM Declaration echoed by Hasan di Tiro was conducted secretly at a second camp located on Cokan hill, in the Tiro sub-district of Pidie. A year later, the text was disseminated in a three-language version; English Indonesia, and Aceh. The spread of the text of the proclamation of GAM was revealed when one of its members was arrested by the police due to the forgery of the election form in 1977. Since then, the New Order government learned about the underground movement in Aceh.
Many GAM leaders are educated youth and professionals who are members of
the middle economic class and the rich Acehnese. The first GAM cabinet,
formed by Di Tiro in Aceh between 1976-1979, consisted of several
figures as follows:
1.Teungku Hasan di Tiro: Guardian of State, Minister of Defense, and Commander-in-Chief
2.Dr Muchtar Hasbi: Vice President,
The fall of Soeharto from the presidency, marking the end of the New Order era. Efforts to reduce the insurgency in Aceh are still being endeavored by subsequent Indonesian presidents. Since the era of president B.J. Habibie up to the president Megawati has pursued various policies. Unfortunately, these policies do not work effectively.
In 1999 when there was trouble in Java and the ineffective central government provided an opportunity for GAM to launch a rebellion in Aceh, but this time with great support from the people of Aceh. In fact it was announced in 1999 the withdrawal of troops, but due to the deteriorating security situation in Aceh then led to the resumption of large numbers of troops to Aceh. in mid-2002 GAM was said to have controlled 70 percent of the countryside across Aceh.

The deterioration of security conditions in Aceh
led to severe security measures carried out in 2001-2002.
Megawati's government in 2003 also launched a military operation to end the conflict with GAM for good and an emergency was imposed in Aceh province. In November 2003 martial law was extended again for 6 months because GAM could not be completely destroyed. According to a Human Rights Watch report of a martial law in Aceh, approximately 100,000 people were displaced in the first 7 months of martial law and several human rights abuses. This conflict is still in progress at the end of 2004, when suddenly the tsunami occurred in Aceh province, so indirectly, the greatest natural disaster in Aceh. The first peace and pilkada deal in Aceh After the devastating tsunami devastated much of Aceh and claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, both sides, GAM and the Indonesian government declared a ceasefire and emphasized the same need to resolve this endless conflict. Peaceful efforts that had been caused by the tsunami disaster factor, peace finally occurred in 2005 after 29 years of prolonged conflict.

The peace talks were then facilitated by Finland-based NGO,
Crisis Management Initiative, and led by Martti Ahtisaari (former President of Finland). These negotiations resulted in a peace agreement signed on 15 August 2005. Based on the agreement, an agreement was reached that the disarmament of GAM and Aceh would receive special autonomy under the Republic of Indonesia and non-organic soldiers (eg non-Acehnese soldiers) would be withdrawn from the province Aceh (leaving only 25,000 non-Aceh soldiers). As part of the agreement, the EU deploys 300 monitors who are members of the Aceh Monitoring Mission. Their mission was completed on 15 December 2006, following the successful elections of the first governor of Aceh. Some possible factors of peaceful resolution in Aceh The weakening of the military position of GAM (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka) The declaration of martial law in Aceh by the Indonesian government in May 2003 resulted in an integrated resistance by the Indonesian military against GAM. The International Crisis Group (ICG) reported that in mid 2004, GAM's supply and communication lines were seriously disrupted. GAM is also increasingly difficult to move around and their presence in urban areas is completely lost. As a result, GAM command in Pidie instructed all field commanders by telephone to withdraw from sagoe (sub-district) to district (district) and military action can only be carried out if there is an order from the regional commander accompanied by the regional commander's permission. Previously, when GAM was still strong, the sagoe (sub-district) level unit possessed a large commando autonomy capable of launching military action on its own accord. According to ABRI's then Army Commander (Endriartono Sutarto), the Indonesian security forces have reduced the number of GAM troops to 9,593. Although many doubted the accuracy of the number, the majority of monitors agreed that the new military pressure on GAM after the implementation of martial law had provided a severe blow to GAM.
Damage caused by the tsunami in Banda Aceh
Tsunami Natural Disaster
The government's position is very clear here. Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla, a few days after the tsunami clearly announced that peace should be immediately undertaken. For Jusuf Kalla, it is impossible to build the ruins of Aceh if the government and GAM are still across. the devastating Tsunami disaster also claimed hundreds of thousands of lives from both sides, so a ceasefire and a peace treaty were a common need to build Aceh.
Substitution of Indonesia's 2004 leadership, and His Seriousness in Peace Resolution The 2004 presidential election victory by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) and Jusuf Kalla encouraged government policy to negotiate to achieve peace. Kingsbury, an official adviser to GAM, also cited the election of SBY and Kalla in 2004 as an initiative of a peaceful endeavor to the Aceh conflict that ended in a formal agreement.
From the end of January to July 2005, the Governments of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Jusuf Kalla were very serious about the peace agreement and began to hold several informal talks with GAM to negotiate peacefully to resolve the conflict in Aceh. This informal discussion was facilitated by CMI led by Martti Ahtisaari (former Finnish executive). Where the peace talks / agreements in the future known as the Helsinki agreement.
The explanation of the article on the Complete History of Conflict and Rebellion in Aceh (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka), hopefully the above article can be useful for my friend or just to add insight and knowledge of the background of Conflict and Free Aceh Movement (GAM) Revolt, The Way of Konfil / Rebellion GAM , Possible Causes of GAM's Rebellion by Some Parties, Peace Agreement and First Pilkada in Aceh and Several Possible Factors of Peace Resolution in Aceh, Final Words Thanks for visiting.
During the reign of President Soeharto, the exploitation of Aceh's natural resources was intensively carried out especially with the multinational rocks. The concerns of Acehnese figures became apparent after seeing Soeharto gain legitimacy in the 1977 election that won Golkar in absolute terms. A number of Darul Islam figures committed to the movement by stealing the start before the 1977 election so that the Free Aceh Movement was born. The Free Aceh Movement then began to instill its influence in the context of opposing the central government. However, the interesting attraction between the people of GAM and the New Order Government is not too much to the surface. In 1989, the Aceh conflict arose openly. At that time the government conducted an ABRI program into the village (AMD) in the village of Makmur City. Under the pretext of securing the village administration, ABRI was then used as a weapon that oversaw every move to the rural community. As a leader, Daud Beureueh realizes that the resistance to the Soeharto government must be supported by maximum weapons. Without it, a bitter experience against Soekarno will return them to feel. Daud Beureueh then recalls a son of Aceh, Hasan Tiro who was studying in the United States. Daud Beureueh hopes Hasan Tiro can find weapons for the struggle of the people of Aceh so that in 1972, Daud Beureueh sent Zainal Abidin to meet Hasan Tiro. The conflict in Aceh began to occur again during the New Order era, marked by the birth of Aceh Sumatra National Liberation Front (ASNLF), which later became the Free Aceh Movement, with its character Tengku Hasan Tiro, who proclaimed Aceh's independence by calling its territory Aceh Sumatra, on December 4, 1976. This movement has not many followers, so easily can be destroyed by the government with the military. His characters include Tengku Hasan Tiro, escaping abroad. After that the idea of separatism, asking for the independence of Aceh still exist although not too visible to the surface. In 1989, there was a movement demanding justice in development, and protesting against the negative effects of industrialization, such as the emergence of immorality, crime that was considered incompatible with the socio-cultural conditions in Aceh. By the government this movement is referred to as the Security Disturbing Movement, which is considered to be inhibiting development. Since May 1989, a new phase in the Aceh conflict has emerged as Aceh as a Military Operation Area. In those days there were many violations. Law, justice does not apply, there is military violence. At that time the people of Aceh experienced violence by the military. There were also capture, murder, rape, torture by the military to the people of Aceh. The Acehnese suffered for it. The enactment of DOM also crippled the economic and educational sectors, especially in areas where many victims of DOM
The new order with Soeharton has been overthrown by reform, the approach to GAM has changed. When the reform of Aceh as a military operation area was lifted, military operations were slightly slackened. In addition to using military approaches, the government also uses the negotiation path with GAM. In the negotiation process of 2000-2002, several violations and failed. For the government, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is a non-negotiable thing, for GAM independence is a non-negotiable demand, but in the end the government of Indonesia and GAM are both softening, the government receives the option of settlement on condition that Aceh remains a part of NKRI, not wanting independence, only wants Aceh to have broad autonomy in governing politics, economics and socio-culture. It turned out that a long-standing problem of military aceh also cost a lot of money, did not solve the problem, could not spend GAM, from GAM side, their armed struggle also did not produce the desired result. Added to the momentum of the tsunami disaster that devastated Aceh, on December 26, 2004, which claimed many victims, destroying infractions. Finally the Indonesian government and GAM seriously solved the Aceh problem through negotiations. After going through a long process finally the Aceh peace negotiations entered a new phase.
Finally, there was a process to the Helsinski talks, then the Helsinski talks were reached on 15 August 2005. In negotiations of Helsinski the GAM team consisted of prime minister Malik Mahmud, foreign minister Zaini Abdullah, spokesman Bahtiar Abdullah, political officers Nur Djuli and Nurdin Abdul Rahman, then plus Shadia Marhaban and Irwandi Yusuf. The Rl delegation, led by Hamid Awaludin, Menkominfo Sofyan Djalil, who was the original son of Aceh, Farid Husain's deputy co-chancellor, and two foreign ministry officials. This negotiation brings the result of the signing of an MoU between the Indonesian government and GAM.
In general, the Helsinki MoU contains the organization of Aceh's government, Aceh's political participation, economic rights for Aceh, the establishment of a law on Aceh, resolution of human rights abuses, amnesty and reintegration of former GAM members, security arrangements. After this negotiation the implementation of the outcome of negotiations is immediately implemented, gradually.
Adam, Asvi Warman. "Conflict and the Settlement of Aceh: From Time to Time," New Aceh: The Challenges of Peace and Reintegration. ed.M. Hamdan Basyar. Jakarta: P2P-LIPI and Pustaka Pelajar, 2008 Alfian, Ibrahim. War on God's Way: Aceh War 1873-1912. Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan, 1987 ASNLF. Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement, 2008 (http://www.asnlf.net/topmy.htm) Bhakti, Ikrar Nusa. Home Peace of Aceh Three Years After Helsinki MoU. Jakarta: P2P-LIPI and Pustaka Pelajar, 2008 Daldjoeni, N. Historical Geography I (World Civilization). Bandung: Alumni Publisher, 1987. Edward Aspinal, History of the Aceh Conflict, 2008 (http://www.acehinstitute.org/resume_150607_edward_aspinal.htm) Gayatri, Irine Hiraswari. "Aceh New Reconstruction," Home Peace Aceh Three Years After Helsinki MoU. ed.Ikrar Nusa Bhakti. Jakarta: P2P-LIPI and Pustaka Pelajar, 2008 Hasan, Husaini. "History of GAM (part II)" History made Dr.Husaini Hasan, 2008 (http://my.opera.com/bassayef/blog/perjuangan-bangsa-belomlah-end) Kawilarang, Harry. Aceh from Sultan Iskandar Muda to Helsinki. Banda Aceh: Bandar Publishing, 2008 Lombard, Denys. Kingdom of Aceh Iskandar Muda Sultas Age (1607-1636). Jakarta: KPG, Forum Jakarta-Paris, and Ecole Francaise d'Extreme-Orient, 2006 Lulofs, M.H.Skelely. Cut Nyak Din The Story of the Aceh War Queen. Depok: Bamboo Community, 2007. Nurhasim, Moch. Conflict and Political Integration of Free Aceh Movement: A Study of Normative Consensus between RI-GAM in the Helsinki Tribunal. Jakarta: P2P-LIPI and Student Library: 2008 Piliang, Indra J. "Aceh and Federal Nationalism: Why Not?" Analysis of CSIS. th XXX No.3, 2001, pp.308-316 Saleh, Hasan. Why Aceh is Rejected: Fight for the Interest of the Nation and Saving for the Regional Interest. Jakarta: Grafiti, 1992 Siregar, Sarah Nuraini. "POLRI and Security Management Post Helsinki MoU," Home Peace Aceh Three Years After Helsinki MoU. ed.Ikrar Nusa Bhakti. Jakarta: P2P-LIPI and Pustaka Pelajar, 2008 Syamsuddin, Nazaruddin. Revolution in the Veranda of Mecca of the Struggle of Independence and Political Battle in Aceh 1945-1949. Jakarta: UI-Press, 1999 Teuku Syamsuddin, Syamsuddin. "Aceh Culture," Human and Culture in Indonesia. ed.Koentjaraningrat. Jakarta: Djambatan, 2002 Yanuarti, Sri. "Shifting the Role of TNI Post MoU Helsinki," Home Peace Aceh Three Years After Helsinki MoU. ed.Ikrar Nusa Bhakti. Jakarta: P2P-LIPI and Pustaka Pelajar, 2008
1.Teungku Hasan di Tiro: Guardian of State, Minister of Defense, and Commander-in-Chief
2.Dr Muchtar Hasbi: Vice President,
- Minister of Home AffairsTeungku Ilyas Leube: Minister of Justice
.Dr Zaini Abdullah: Minister of Health
5.Dr Husaini M. Hasan: Minister of Education and Information
6.Malik Mahmud: Minister of Foreign Affairs
7.Dr Zubir Mahmud: Minister of Social Affairs
8.Amir Mahmud Rashid: Minister of Commerce
9.Teungku Muhamad Usman Lampoih Awe: Minister of Finance
10.Amir Isaac: Minister of Communication
11.Dr Asnawi Ali: Minister of Public Works and Industry
12.Zakariya; as commander of Bataliyon
and many others we do not mention it, both in the country and abroad The first GAM offensive in 1977 was committed against Mobil Oil Indonesia, a shareholder of PT Arun NGL, where PT Arun NGL is an Arun gas field operator located in Lhokseumawe, North Aceh. At that time AM / GAM troops mobilized by the Kariya AM / GAM Pliton were minimal. Although there has been considerable dissatisfaction in Aceh, it does not invite the active participation of the masses to support AM / GAM. In Hasan's own admission to Tiro himself, at first only 70 people joined him and they mostly came from Pidie district, especially from the village of Tiro himself, who joined for personal loyalty to the Hasan family at Tiro and then Hasan tiro formed bataliyon troops in pase 'aceh north who is appointed As the commander of the ZAKARIYA whose codename or nickname famed Pliton Kariya, friends and brothers Pliton Kariya directly joined because of personality loyalty to the family of Kariya Pliton while the rest joined because of the disappointment factor at the central government,
The fall of Soeharto from the presidency, marking the end of the New Order era. Efforts to reduce the insurgency in Aceh are still being endeavored by subsequent Indonesian presidents. Since the era of president B.J. Habibie up to the president Megawati has pursued various policies. Unfortunately, these policies do not work effectively.
In 1999 when there was trouble in Java and the ineffective central government provided an opportunity for GAM to launch a rebellion in Aceh, but this time with great support from the people of Aceh. In fact it was announced in 1999 the withdrawal of troops, but due to the deteriorating security situation in Aceh then led to the resumption of large numbers of troops to Aceh. in mid-2002 GAM was said to have controlled 70 percent of the countryside across Aceh.

The deterioration of security conditions in Aceh
led to severe security measures carried out in 2001-2002.
Megawati's government in 2003 also launched a military operation to end the conflict with GAM for good and an emergency was imposed in Aceh province. In November 2003 martial law was extended again for 6 months because GAM could not be completely destroyed. According to a Human Rights Watch report of a martial law in Aceh, approximately 100,000 people were displaced in the first 7 months of martial law and several human rights abuses. This conflict is still in progress at the end of 2004, when suddenly the tsunami occurred in Aceh province, so indirectly, the greatest natural disaster in Aceh. The first peace and pilkada deal in Aceh After the devastating tsunami devastated much of Aceh and claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, both sides, GAM and the Indonesian government declared a ceasefire and emphasized the same need to resolve this endless conflict. Peaceful efforts that had been caused by the tsunami disaster factor, peace finally occurred in 2005 after 29 years of prolonged conflict.

The peace talks were then facilitated by Finland-based NGO,
Crisis Management Initiative, and led by Martti Ahtisaari (former President of Finland). These negotiations resulted in a peace agreement signed on 15 August 2005. Based on the agreement, an agreement was reached that the disarmament of GAM and Aceh would receive special autonomy under the Republic of Indonesia and non-organic soldiers (eg non-Acehnese soldiers) would be withdrawn from the province Aceh (leaving only 25,000 non-Aceh soldiers). As part of the agreement, the EU deploys 300 monitors who are members of the Aceh Monitoring Mission. Their mission was completed on 15 December 2006, following the successful elections of the first governor of Aceh. Some possible factors of peaceful resolution in Aceh The weakening of the military position of GAM (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka) The declaration of martial law in Aceh by the Indonesian government in May 2003 resulted in an integrated resistance by the Indonesian military against GAM. The International Crisis Group (ICG) reported that in mid 2004, GAM's supply and communication lines were seriously disrupted. GAM is also increasingly difficult to move around and their presence in urban areas is completely lost. As a result, GAM command in Pidie instructed all field commanders by telephone to withdraw from sagoe (sub-district) to district (district) and military action can only be carried out if there is an order from the regional commander accompanied by the regional commander's permission. Previously, when GAM was still strong, the sagoe (sub-district) level unit possessed a large commando autonomy capable of launching military action on its own accord. According to ABRI's then Army Commander (Endriartono Sutarto), the Indonesian security forces have reduced the number of GAM troops to 9,593. Although many doubted the accuracy of the number, the majority of monitors agreed that the new military pressure on GAM after the implementation of martial law had provided a severe blow to GAM.
Damage caused by the tsunami in Banda Aceh

The government's position is very clear here. Vice President M. Jusuf Kalla, a few days after the tsunami clearly announced that peace should be immediately undertaken. For Jusuf Kalla, it is impossible to build the ruins of Aceh if the government and GAM are still across. the devastating Tsunami disaster also claimed hundreds of thousands of lives from both sides, so a ceasefire and a peace treaty were a common need to build Aceh.
Substitution of Indonesia's 2004 leadership, and His Seriousness in Peace Resolution The 2004 presidential election victory by Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) and Jusuf Kalla encouraged government policy to negotiate to achieve peace. Kingsbury, an official adviser to GAM, also cited the election of SBY and Kalla in 2004 as an initiative of a peaceful endeavor to the Aceh conflict that ended in a formal agreement.
From the end of January to July 2005, the Governments of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and Jusuf Kalla were very serious about the peace agreement and began to hold several informal talks with GAM to negotiate peacefully to resolve the conflict in Aceh. This informal discussion was facilitated by CMI led by Martti Ahtisaari (former Finnish executive). Where the peace talks / agreements in the future known as the Helsinki agreement.
The explanation of the article on the Complete History of Conflict and Rebellion in Aceh (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka), hopefully the above article can be useful for my friend or just to add insight and knowledge of the background of Conflict and Free Aceh Movement (GAM) Revolt, The Way of Konfil / Rebellion GAM , Possible Causes of GAM's Rebellion by Some Parties, Peace Agreement and First Pilkada in Aceh and Several Possible Factors of Peace Resolution in Aceh, Final Words Thanks for visiting.
During the reign of President Soeharto, the exploitation of Aceh's natural resources was intensively carried out especially with the multinational rocks. The concerns of Acehnese figures became apparent after seeing Soeharto gain legitimacy in the 1977 election that won Golkar in absolute terms. A number of Darul Islam figures committed to the movement by stealing the start before the 1977 election so that the Free Aceh Movement was born. The Free Aceh Movement then began to instill its influence in the context of opposing the central government. However, the interesting attraction between the people of GAM and the New Order Government is not too much to the surface. In 1989, the Aceh conflict arose openly. At that time the government conducted an ABRI program into the village (AMD) in the village of Makmur City. Under the pretext of securing the village administration, ABRI was then used as a weapon that oversaw every move to the rural community. As a leader, Daud Beureueh realizes that the resistance to the Soeharto government must be supported by maximum weapons. Without it, a bitter experience against Soekarno will return them to feel. Daud Beureueh then recalls a son of Aceh, Hasan Tiro who was studying in the United States. Daud Beureueh hopes Hasan Tiro can find weapons for the struggle of the people of Aceh so that in 1972, Daud Beureueh sent Zainal Abidin to meet Hasan Tiro. The conflict in Aceh began to occur again during the New Order era, marked by the birth of Aceh Sumatra National Liberation Front (ASNLF), which later became the Free Aceh Movement, with its character Tengku Hasan Tiro, who proclaimed Aceh's independence by calling its territory Aceh Sumatra, on December 4, 1976. This movement has not many followers, so easily can be destroyed by the government with the military. His characters include Tengku Hasan Tiro, escaping abroad. After that the idea of separatism, asking for the independence of Aceh still exist although not too visible to the surface. In 1989, there was a movement demanding justice in development, and protesting against the negative effects of industrialization, such as the emergence of immorality, crime that was considered incompatible with the socio-cultural conditions in Aceh. By the government this movement is referred to as the Security Disturbing Movement, which is considered to be inhibiting development. Since May 1989, a new phase in the Aceh conflict has emerged as Aceh as a Military Operation Area. In those days there were many violations. Law, justice does not apply, there is military violence. At that time the people of Aceh experienced violence by the military. There were also capture, murder, rape, torture by the military to the people of Aceh. The Acehnese suffered for it. The enactment of DOM also crippled the economic and educational sectors, especially in areas where many victims of DOM
The new order with Soeharton has been overthrown by reform, the approach to GAM has changed. When the reform of Aceh as a military operation area was lifted, military operations were slightly slackened. In addition to using military approaches, the government also uses the negotiation path with GAM. In the negotiation process of 2000-2002, several violations and failed. For the government, the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia is a non-negotiable thing, for GAM independence is a non-negotiable demand, but in the end the government of Indonesia and GAM are both softening, the government receives the option of settlement on condition that Aceh remains a part of NKRI, not wanting independence, only wants Aceh to have broad autonomy in governing politics, economics and socio-culture. It turned out that a long-standing problem of military aceh also cost a lot of money, did not solve the problem, could not spend GAM, from GAM side, their armed struggle also did not produce the desired result. Added to the momentum of the tsunami disaster that devastated Aceh, on December 26, 2004, which claimed many victims, destroying infractions. Finally the Indonesian government and GAM seriously solved the Aceh problem through negotiations. After going through a long process finally the Aceh peace negotiations entered a new phase.
Finally, there was a process to the Helsinski talks, then the Helsinski talks were reached on 15 August 2005. In negotiations of Helsinski the GAM team consisted of prime minister Malik Mahmud, foreign minister Zaini Abdullah, spokesman Bahtiar Abdullah, political officers Nur Djuli and Nurdin Abdul Rahman, then plus Shadia Marhaban and Irwandi Yusuf. The Rl delegation, led by Hamid Awaludin, Menkominfo Sofyan Djalil, who was the original son of Aceh, Farid Husain's deputy co-chancellor, and two foreign ministry officials. This negotiation brings the result of the signing of an MoU between the Indonesian government and GAM.
In general, the Helsinki MoU contains the organization of Aceh's government, Aceh's political participation, economic rights for Aceh, the establishment of a law on Aceh, resolution of human rights abuses, amnesty and reintegration of former GAM members, security arrangements. After this negotiation the implementation of the outcome of negotiations is immediately implemented, gradually.
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