Prophet Muhammad SAW has a cat named Mueeza. One day, when the Prophet who took it, he found Mueeza sleeping peacefully on his cloak. Not wanting to disturb his beloved animal, the Prophet cut off the slits of the arm that Mueeza slept from his cloak.
When the Prophet returned home, Muezza awoke and bowed down to his master. In return, the Prophet expressed compassion by caressing gently to the tiny body of the cat 3 times. In his activity, whenever the Prophet receives a guest at home, the prophet always holds a mueeza and puts his finger on it. One of Mueeza's traits that the Prophet enjoys is always meowing at the call to prayer, and as if his voice is like following the sound of the call to prayer. To his companions, the Prophet advised to love a pet cat, as if to love his own family.
The punishment for those who hurt this cute animal, seriously in a hadith shahih al-Bukhari, told of a woman who never feed her cat, nor did she remove her cat to feed herself, Prophet Muhammad SAW also explained that for this woman is the punishment of hell
From Ibn Umar ra that the Messenger of Allah said, "A woman is put into hell because a cat that she tied up and not given food is not even allowed to eat small animals on the floor," (Narrated by Bukhari).
The Prophet stressed in some traditions that the cat was not unclean. Even allowed to perform ablutions using water used cat drink because it is considered sacred.
Why is the blind Rasulullah Saw reading and writing, dare to say that the holy cat, not unclean? Then, how does the Prophet know that the body of a cat is not unclean?
Cat Privileges Scientific Facts 1:
In the skin of the cat there are muscles that serve to resist bacterial eggs. The muscle of the cat can also adjust to the touch of human muscle. The surface of the cat's tongue is covered by numerous small, pointed bumps, these bumps are crooked like a miser or a saw. This form is very useful for cleaning the skin. When a cat drinks, there is not a drop of liquid falling from his tongue. While the cat's own tongue is the most sophisticated cleaning tool, its rough surface can remove dead hairs and clean the remaining hairs on its body.
Scientific Facts 2:
There have been various studies of cats and different age differences, differences in skin position, back, inside of soles of feet, mouth protector, and tail. In the parts of the sample is taken with a swab. In addition, also carried out the planting of germs in special sections. Continue to take also a special liquid that is on the walls in the mouth and tongue. The results obtained are: - Results taken from the outer skin of the negative germicifiable, although done repeatedly. - Germinated comparisons give negative results of about 80% when viewed from fluid taken from the mouth wall. - Liquids taken from the surface of the tongue also give negative results of germs. - Once there are germs that are found during the research process, the bacteria belong to a group of germs that are considered as ordinary germs that develop in the human body in such limited quantities, enterobacter, streptococcus, and taphylococcus. The amount is less and 50 thousand growth. - No germ-groups are found. - A variety of reliable sources and laboratory results conclude that cats do not have germs and microbes. The saliva is clean and clean
Comments The Doctors Researchers
- According to Dr. George Maqshud, head of the laboratory at the Baitharah Animal Hospital, is rarely found to have germs on the cat's tongue. - If the germ exists, then the cat will get sick. - Dr. Gen Gustafsirl finds that most germs are found in dogs, - Humans 1/4 dogs, cat 1/2 man. - Veterinarian at the Damascus veterinary hospital, Sa'id Rafah confirms that the cat has a cleaning device called lysozyme. - Cats do not like water because water is a very fertile place for bacterial growth, especially in waterlogging (mud, puddles of rain, etc.) - Cats also greatly maintain the stability of body warmth. He did not sunbathe a lot and was not close to the water. - The goal is that bacteria do not move to him. This is the factor of the absence of germs in the body of a cat.
Scientific Facts 3:
And the results of medical research and experiments that have been done in laboratory animals, found that the body of the cat clean as a whole. It is cleaner than humans.
Additional Scientific Facts:
Ancient cat used for therapy. Cat snoring which is 50Hz good for health besides stroking the cat can also lower the stress level.
The rest of the cat food is holy law:
Hadith Kabsyah binti Ka'b bin Malik reported that Abu Qatadah, Kabsyah's father-in-law, entered his house and he poured water for ablution. At that moment, came a cat who wanted to drink. Then he poured water in the vessel until the cat drank. Kabsyah said, "Take note." Abu Qatadah said, "Are you surprised?" He replied, "Yes." Then, Abu Qatadah said that the Prophet SAW said, "The cat is not unclean. He is a traveling animal (home animals), "(H.R At-Tirmidhi, An-Nasa'i, Abu Dawud, and Ibn Majah). إِنَّهَا لَيْسَتْ بِنَجَسٍ إِنَّهَا مِنَ الطَّوَّافِينَ عَلَيْكُمْ وَالطَّوَّافَاتِ
Narrated and Ali bin Al-Hasan, and Anas who tells that the Prophet Saw went to Bathhan an area in Medina. Then, he said, "Yes Anas, pour water ablution for me into the vessel." Then, Anas poured water. When it was finished, the Prophet headed for the vessel. However, a cat came and licked the vessel. Seeing that, the Prophet stopped until the cat stopped drinking and performed ablution.
The Prophet was asked about the incident, he replied, "Yes Anas, cats including household jewelry, he is not polluted something, not even unclean."
It is narrated from Dawud bin Salih al-Tammar and his mother who explained that his slave gave Aisha a bowl of porridge. However, when he arrived at Aisha's house, Aisha was praying aloud. Then, he motioned to put it. Unfortunately, after Aisha finished her prayer, she forgot to find a slurry. Come to a cat, then eat a little porridge. When she saw the porridge being eaten by a cat, Aisha then cleaned up the piece touched by the cat, and Aisha ate it.
Rasulullah Saw said, "He is not unclean. "Aisha once saw the Messenger of Allah performing ablution from the rest of the cat's lick." (H. R AlBaihaqi, Abd Al-Razzaq, and Al-Daruquthni).
This hadith narrated Malik, Ahmad, and other hadith priests. Therefore, cats are animals, whose bodies, sweat, marks from the remains of food are sacred, the saliva clean and clean, and life cleaner than humans. Perhaps this is also why the Prophet SAW is very fond of Muezza, his beloved cat.
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Tgk Abdilah.SE
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Waled Blang Jruen
Alumni Malikussaleh
Dayah Panton Labu