Wali Nikah Menurut Pendapat Empat Madzhab

Jurnal Pascasarjana Iain Lhokseumawe Wali Nikah Menurut Pendapat Empat Madzhab Abstract: Marriage is sunnatullah for all living things in this world. Marriage is carried out by humans Status of Waliin Marria Study perspective Malikiyah,Syâfi’îyah, Hanafîyah, and Hanabilah the Practices in Indonesia. The existence ofIslam is to bring virtuous value and one of which is marriege. Marriege is virtuous value with emergency characteristic that is to preserve honor and descendantand the one who can protect them is the wali. Ulamas have different opinion on this wali issue. Not only the opinions that are diverse but also the practises in various Muslim countries, including Indonesia. Both Ulamas share the same opinion on a wali must be an adult and mentally conscious Muslim.The diffference is Syâfi’îyah ulama persist that a wali must be male and objective while hanafiyah ulama all...