
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2018


PENGHASILAN DARI SABU HARAM, TIDAK BOLEH DISEDEKAH waledblangjruen   (28)  in  aceh  •   29 days ago PENGHASILAN DARI SABU HARAM, TIDAK BOLEH DISEDEKAH. Bireuen – Ratusan anggota Majelis Taklim Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah Aceh (Matawa) mengikuti pengajian rutin bersama ulama kharismatik Aceh, Tgk. H. Muhammad Amin (Abu Tumin Blang Bladeh) di Masjid Baitul Huda Desa Cot Ieju Kecamatan Peusangan. Minggu, (17/5/2015) kemarin. Ketua II Matawa Provinsi Aceh, Jamaluddin, M.Pd, menuturkan, pengajian hari Minggu kemarin, (17/5/2015) merupakan pengajian terakhir sebelum bulan Ramadan, setelah Ramadan pengajian Matawa akan dilanjutkan kembali. “Dalam kesempatan ini kita memberikan waktu kepada jamaah untuk bertanya langsung kepada Abu Tumin, bila memang ada pertanyaan yang belum terjawab tuntas hari ini akan dijawab dalam pengajian selajutnya nanti setelah bulan puasa nanti,” kata Tgk. Jamaluddin. Amatan, jamaah Matawa yang terdiri dari laki-...


MENGENAL LEBIH DEKAT PERBANK KAN SYARI'AH waledblangjruen (28) in aceh •  2 days ago CHAPTER 1 PRELIMINARY 1.1 Background Accounting processes that start from the identification of events and transactions to presentation in the financial statements require a basic framework for the preparation and presentation of financial statements. The basic framework or conceptual framework of accounting, is a system embedded with the objectives and nature that lead to a consistent standard and consisting of the nature, functions and limitations of accounting and financial statements. In this paper we will discuss the basic framework for the preparation and presentation of Islamic financial statements. The discussion begins with a discussion on the development of the Basic Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Sharia Financial Statements (KDPPLKS) and is followed by the objectives of KDPPLKS, users of sharia financial statements, financial reporting purp...


ONE OF THE BEASTS IN SAYANGI BY THE PROPHET OF MUHAMMAD.SAW waledblangjruen (28) in aceh •  28 days ago Prophet Muhammad SAW has a cat named Mueeza. One day, when the Prophet who took it, he found Mueeza sleeping peacefully on his cloak. Not wanting to disturb his beloved animal, the Prophet cut off the slits of the arm that Mueeza slept from his cloak. When the Prophet returned home, Muezza awoke and bowed down to his master. In return, the Prophet expressed compassion by caressing gently to the tiny body of the cat 3 times. In his activity, whenever the Prophet receives a guest at home, the prophet always holds a mueeza and puts his finger on it. One of Mueeza's traits that the Prophet enjoys is always meowing at the call to prayer, and as if his voice is like following the sound of the call to prayer. To his companions, the Prophet advised to love a pet cat, as if to love his own family. The punishment for those who hurt this cute animal, seriously in ...

Enam Peristiwa Luar Biasa pada Bulan Ra'jab

Enam Peristiwa Luar Biasa pada Bulan Ra'jab Di Tulis Oled; Waled Blang Jruen Alumni Dayah Malikussaleh Alumni Stie Bumi Persada Ketum Darul Ma'arif Bulan Rajab merupakan bulan ke tujuh dan salah satu bulan suci yang ada pada kalender Islam. Rajab juga merupakan bulan yang penuh rahmat dan kemuliaan, serta peperangan sangat diharamkan pada bulan ini. Isra’ Mi’raj Isra` adalah perjalanan Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersama Jibril dari Mekkah ke Baitul Maqdis (Palestina), berdasarkan firman Allah : سُبْحَانَ الَّذِي أَسْرَى بِعَبْدِهِ لَيْلاً مِّنَ الْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ إِلَى الْمَسْجِدِ الأَقْصَى “Maha Suci Allah, yang telah memperjalankan hamba-Nya pada suatu malam dari Al Masjidil Haram ke Al Masjidil Aqsha “ (Al Isra’:1) Mi’raj secara bahasa adalah suatu alat yang dipakai untuk naik. Adapun secara istilah, Mi’raj bermakna tangga khusus yang digunakan oleh Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam untuk naik dari bumi menuju ke atas langit, berda...

History Pliton Kariya Commandor Pliton, Yang bertanggung jawab langsung kepafa pimpinan tertinggi Dr.Muhammad Hasan Tiro

The history of the Pliton Kariya in mount geureudong pase ', and the Rebellion in Aceh (Gerakan Aceh Merdeka) March 28, 2018 History Mini paper is written and quoted by Waled From some sources Old and new in the mix into a mini paper CHAPTER 1 Background. Conflict and Free Aceh Movement Rebellion (GAM) Aceh Conflict - After the Cold War We have seen many conflicts in the country, such as Yugolslavia, Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Indonesia. Conflict that occurred in Indonesia is conflict that occurred in disaster victims, both casualties and material victims. In general, the most obvious conflict in Aceh is the difference between Aceh and many other regions in Indonesia. In addition, many secularists in the government of President Soeharto (New Order) were highly unfavorable in Aceh, where many Acehnese did not like the New Order government policy of promoting an "Indonesian culture". Then the location of the province located at the w...